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What sort of organization is Gurmat Studies Foundation?Gurmat Studies Foundation is a non-profit society and publisher of Gurmat books, which is uniquely run by volunteers. With the grace of Guru Ji, the Foundation strives to provide resources for the youth and create awareness of the greatness of Sikhi.
What if I want to order more than 5 copies of Srī Gurū Nānak Sākhī Sāgar?Please fill out this form and you will receive a shipping quote via email for your order. If you choose to proceed with the order, you will then receive an invoice to complete the payment.
I do not live in North America, how can I order a copy of Srī Gurū Nānak Sākhī Sāgar?"For UK orders, please visit: For all other international orders, please fill out this form and you will be emailed a shipping quote. If you choose to proceed with your order, you will receive an invoice to complete the payment.
How does a local pick up work? What do I need to do to get my order?The local pickup option is set up for you to avoid shipping costs and collect your order from one of the specific locations. When you choose a local pickup and complete your payment, the sevādār in your area will be notified and contact you to arrange the pickup.
What will proceeds from book sales be used for?Sri Guru Nanak Sakhi Sagar is a non-profit book project that has been moving forward through seva and volunteer efforts. The amount charged for books goes towards creation, distribution and related costs associated with production of the book series. The price for each volume is comprised of a number of factors including printing cost, quality commissioned artwork, designing, etc.
I chose local pick up, but it is asking for my shipping address. Did something go wrong?"No, nothing has gone wrong! When you choose local pickup, there should be no added shipping charges to your order. Please fill out your address for completion and rest assured, you’re order will be provided through local pickup.
What is a pre-order?When a order is completed with an understanding that it will be shipped or available for pickup at a later date.
Why was Volume ll the first to be published? Where can I get Volume l?Bhai Parminder Singh Jī, the founder of Gurmat Studies Foundation and Guru Nanak Academy (GNA) created “Life Story of Guru Nanak Volume I” in 2003. He had aspired to provide a series of books on the life stories of Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Jī. In 2020, sevadaars of GNA published Volume II in a humble attempt to continue Bhai Sahib’s legacy and the interest has been incredible. Although the original Volume I is not available, with the sangat’s ongoing support, volunteers continue to dedicate effort towards publishing future volumes. If it so please Guru Sahib, a 2nd edition of Volume I will be created in the future using the same format as Volume II and III.
How many volumes will there be?There will be a total of four volumes in this book series.
Which sakhi does Sri Guru Nanak Sakhi Sagar Volume II begin with?Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana leaving Sultanpur to visit Bhai Lalo.
Which sakhi does Sri Guru Nanak Sakhi Sagar Volume lll begin with?Guru Nanak Dev Jī along with his companions visit the Amrit River on route to meet with the renowned sidh mandali upon sumair parbat.
What sorts of references were used to create Sri Guru Nanak Sakhi Sagar?Bhai Bala Vali Janam Sakhi, Bhai Mani Singh Vali Janam Sakhi, Sri Guru Nanak Prakash, Guru Nanak Chamatkar, Giani Gurnam Singh’s Gur-Itihaas Swaiye and Baba Gurbachan Singh’s Sri Gurmukh Prakash.
I don’t know anything about Sikhī, is this book suitable for me?"Yes, this book has been written in English with footnotes and supplemental information in attempt to fill in any gaps for those without previous knowledge in Sikhī. Punjābī vocabulary and excerpts have been included to encourage and promote learning and understanding our mother tongue, but fluency in Punjābī is not a requirement to gain benefit from this book.
Do I have to read the sakhia in order? Do I need prior knowledge?Each sakhi within the Sri Guru Nanak Sakhi Sagar series can be experienced on its own. Prior knowledge or understanding is not required. You can open the book to any sakhi and enjoy the bliss of Guru Nanak Dev Jī’s teachings. As you read through Sri Guru Nanak Sakhi Sagar, you will see each section includes the sakhi presented in English along with footnotes to elaborate and provide better understanding. Beautiful artwork from historical resources along with custom-made paintings specific to the sakhi add to the overall experience and helps build memory. In addition, information boxes are included where further elaboration is required or supplemental knowledge and details can be shared.
What age is group is Sri Guru Nanak Sakhi Sagar designed for?Sri Guru Nanak Sakhi Sagar is a suitable read for adults and children over 10 years of age. Younger children would benefit from being read to by parents, teachers and caregivers and discussing concepts shared within the sakhi. Another great way families and teachers can engage children is to first study the details of the sakhi then summarize the important teachings in your words. These books are especially useful for those interested in doing parchar and sharing the gift of Guru Sahib’s teachings with others.
What does ‘Sākhī Sāgar’ mean?Sākhī means stories or teachings (Sikhiyā) and Sāgar means ocean so the literal meaning is ‘Ocean of teachings.’ The detailed lessons within the stories of Srī Gurū Nānak Dev Jī’s life are deep and vast comparable to the ocean. The Sākhī holds the capability to give faith, which aids one in successfully crossing over the world-ocean.
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